Closer to Truth

Carmine Clemente - How Do Human Brains Think and Feel?

Neil Gillman - Is There an Afterlife?

Ned Block - Can Neuroscience Fully Explain Consciousness?

Patrick Haggard - Free Will: Key to Consciousness?

Hamza Yusuf - Do Science & Religion Conflict?

Eric Schwitzgebel - Does Consciousness Challenge the Limits of Materialism?

Carlo Rovelli - Is the Universe Theologically Ambiguous?

Thalia Wheatley - Free Will and Morality

Beacon Of Truth - October 1, 2024 - Angels

Dean Zimmerman - The Mystery of Personal Identity

Paul Davies - Do Science & Religion Conflict?

Paul Davies - Is Consciousness Fundamental?

Anthony Aguirre - Did the Universe Begin?

Andrew Briggs - Is Information the Foundation of Reality?

Raymond Tallis - Metaphysics vs. Materialism

Henry Stapp - Is Consciousness Entirely Physical?

Michael Shermer - Arguments Against God?

What's Real About Time? | Episode 510 | Closer To Truth

Henry Stapp - Is Consciousness an Illusion?

Sean Carroll - Physics of Consciousness

Roger Walsh - Why is Consciousness So Baffling?

Eastern Traditions: What is World? What is Reality? | Episode 2401 | Closer To Truth

Is Consciousness Ultimate Reality? | Episode 1513 | Closer To Truth

Current Arguments for God | Episode 1006 | Closer To Truth